Cosas Imposibles
"Impossible Things" - MexicoMovie Synopsis
Matilde lives in the shadow of Porfirio, her recently deceased husband who nonetheless continues to abuse her day after day. She meets Miguel, a young, insecure, disoriented neighbour and dealer with whom she develops an unlikely friendship. They will bring together their strong wills to free their demons and begin to understand that for both of them, there are other possible stories to be told.
Matilde vive bajo la sombra de Porfirio, su esposo recientemente fallecido que día a día continúa abusando de ella. Matilde conoce a Miguel, un joven vecino, inseguro, desorientado y dealer con quien desarrolla una amistad impensable. Ambos unirán sus voluntades para librar sus demonios y entender que para los dos existen otras historias posibles.
Country: Mexico
Director: Ernesto Contreras
Writers: Estephanie Enríquez Soto
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Year: 2021
Duration: 89 minutes
Genre: Dramedy
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Alebrije Producciones / Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs