Drama | Argentina
Movie Synopsis
Thirty four year old Goyo, a former open water swimming champion, has been hiding out in the desert. Wrongly accused of doping in the Santa Fe-Coronda Marathon, a 57 kilometer river swim, he has abandoned his career and his dreams. Eight years later, Goyo returns to Santa Fe where the marathon will be held again to try to re-gain his title and clear his name. However, long buried emotions come back to haunt him. He meets Chino, a stubborn and disciplined pool swimmer, who tries hard to be selected for the national team, but fails. Identifying with Chino, Goyo asks him to be his guide on the boat that follows him during the marathon.
Goyo (Rafael Ferro), antiguo campeón de natación en aguas abiertas, abandona su carrera y sus sueños para refugiarse en el desierto tras una injusta acusación de doping en el maratón de Santa Fe-Coronda, que consiste en cruzar a nado 57 kilómetros del río Paraná. Ocho años más tarde, Goyo regresa a la ciudad de Santa Fe. La maratón vuelve a realizarse y busca recuperar su título y limpiar su nombre. Goyo se cruza con Chino (Nicolás Mateo), un disciplinado y terco nadador de piscina, que intenta tenazmente clasificarse para la selección nacional, pero falla. Goyo se siente identificado con Chino e intenta ayudarlo.
Movie Details
Country: Argentina
Director: Veronica Chen
Language: Spanish
Duration: 89 Minutes
Genre: Drama
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